Education - July 26, 2023

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CREA Launching Updated REALTOR® Code Course

The Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA) announced an updated version the REALTOR® Code of Ethics course that will be made available on Wednesday, July 26 2023. 

The course has been enhanced to meet modern standards and offer a more engaging experience for members, including: 

  • English and French narration;
  • Video content;
  • New case scenarios; and
  • An updated Article 30.

The French and English courses will be available to members at no cost. The estimated completion time is two hours. 

Members - 61 days

Paragon Changes: Active Under Contract

Starting in mid June, members will be able to edit the status value within Paragon® from “Active” to “Active Under Contract” and back again.

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Members - 65 days

New Wildfire Clause just in time for Fire Season

Real estate transactions set to complete in an active wildfire zone may be delayed or collapse due to the inability of buyers to obtain property insurance (including fire coverage), and by extension, mortgage financing.

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